Statistics for Repositorio institucional de IMDEA Nanociencia

Total visits

Data - Automated Statistical analysis of Raman spectra of nanomaterials 374
Autoarchive guide 333
Photoelectron diffraction in methane probed via vibrationally resolved inner-valence photoionization cross-section ratios 328
Frequently asked questions 300
Plasmonic nanodevice with magnetic funcionalities: Fabrication and characterization 264
Molecular Simulations of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins and Their Binding Mechanisms 240
Real-time tracking of delayed-onset cellular apoptosis induced by intracellular magnetic hyperthermia 235
Biaxial strain in atomically thin transition metal dichalcogenides 234
Fluorescent Carbon Nitride Macrostructures Derived from Triazine-Based Cocrystals 232
Mapping ultrafast dynamics of highly excited D2+ by ultrashort XUV pump-IR probe radiation 232